Adding Business Context to your assets

Learn how to tag and business context to your assets

Horizon allows you to organize and add business context to your assets by using Business Units, Environment and Custom tags. To get started, click on any tab under Attack Surface -> Business Unit/Environment/Tag.

Note - Business Unit/Environment/Tag are all custom tags and separated under different tabs to ensure that you can manage your assets easily.

Adding Business Unit/Environment/Tag.

  1. Navigate to Attack Surface ->Business Unit/Environment/Tag.

  2. Click Create Business Unit/ Create Environment/ Create Tag.

  3. In the popup, Add the Name, Description and Criticality Score for this tag. All three fields are mandatory to Create Business Unit/ Create Environment/ Create Tag.

  4. Click on Create Business Unit/ Create Environment/ Create Tag. Your tag is created.

Now, that the custom tag is ready, return to the Assets overview page by clicking on Assets.

Organizing selected assets under tags.

  1. Select the assets you wish to tag using the checkbox beside the asset name.

  2. Click on the Actions dropbox visible beside the search bar and click on Tag assets.

  3. In the Tag Assets window, you can view Selected Assets with the Search and Select Tags option.

  4. You can now choose the desired tag you wish to organize these assets in.

  5. Click on Add Tags.

Now, you can filter assets on the basis of custom tags.

Editing Tags

  1. You can edit the custom tags by going to the tab you chose to create the tag i.e., Business Unit/Environment/Tag.

  2. Select the tag you wish to edit using the checkbox beside the tag name.

  3. Click on the Actions dropbox and select Edit Business Unit/Environment/Tag

Activity Log

Horizon helps you keep track of user activity in the activity log. Scroll below the List of Targets to find the activity section. Select Choose Activity Date Range for a custom date range.

Next Steps

Navigating Assets Page

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