Navigating Scan Profiles Page

Discover how you can effectively navigate the Scan Profiles page

Once you have created Scan Profiles, Horizon automatically populates the name and the description of a scan profile will appear in List of Scan Profiles under Home>Scan Profiles. To know more about how to create a scan profile, refer to Creating Scan Profiles.


Under List of Scan Profiles, you can search for a scan profile with the name or description of the scan profile as the keyword. Horizon automatically populates the search results.

List of Scan Profiles

Under the list of scan profiles, you can see

  1. Name of the scan profile with description

  2. Type of scan

  3. Trigger(Scheduled, Recurring or Manual Adhoc)

  4. Next scheduled at

  5. Created at

Note - The name column is populated only after creating a scan profile for a particular target. The scan results are populated under Name. Refer to Creating Scan Profiles to know more.


If you have added multiple scan profiles, it is easy to filter targets by type or trigger.

Click Type under filters and select any one of the options you want to filter scan profiles by.

You can also click Trigger under filters and select any one of the options you want to filter scan profiles by.


Horizon also gives you an option to easily navigate the Scan Profiles page by sorting columns. You can sort Next Scheduled At and Created At columns.

  1. Click on ‘Next Scheduled At’ in the column title to sort by date in ascending order; earliest date first. Click again to sort by descending order. This will only work for scans that have the trigger recurring and scheduled one time.

  2. Click on ‘Created At’ in the column title to sort by date in ascending order; earliest date first. Click again to sort by descending order.

Activity Log

Horizon helps you keep track of user activity in the activity log. Scroll below the List of Targets to find the activity section. Select Choose Activity Date Range for a custom date range.

Next Steps

Accessing Scan Logs

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