Target Details

After adding a Target, navigate to Target Details to learn more about the Target

After successfully adding a target, you will be able to see details about your target. Click on any target name under the List of Targets to get started.

Meta Info

Here, Horizon shows basic information related to your target such as-

  1. Date it was created

  2. Date it was verified

  3. Total assets

  4. Scan Profiles

In case your target is a domain, you will see an additional section on the target details page. This section has the following tabs-

  1. Domains -This shows you the number of Domains detected in association with this particular domain. Under the List of domains, you can see the details related to when they were detected for the first and last time. Horizon also shows you the exposure health grade for each of these associated domains.

  2. IP addresses - Similar to the Domains tab, this tab reports the number of IP addresses discovered for this particular domain. Under the List of IP addresses, you can see the details related to when they were detected for the first and last time. Horizon also shows you the exposure health grade for each of these IP addresses.

  3. Certificates - This tab reports the number of Certificates discovered for this particular domain. Under the List of Certificates, you can see the details related to when they were detected for the first and last time. Horizon also shows you the exposure health grade for each of these Certificates.

  4. DNS Registry This tab shows you the List of DNS Registry. It gives information about-

    1. Domain Name

    2. Type

    3. Value

    4. First Detected

    5. Last Detected

    6. Status- Active/Inactive

    Note - You can filter the DNS records by type. Click on the Type dropbox and choose from the list of 14 different types including CNAME, MX and more.

Note - For all of these sections, data can be sorted according to the order in which it was detected. Click on the column title- First Detected/Last Detected to sort the data in descending order, and click again to sort in ascending order.

  1. Vulnerabilities This tab shows the list of Vulnerabilities discovered for this domain. It gives information about-

  • Vulnerability name

  • Severity

  • Instances

Next Steps

Creating a Scan Profile

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