Configure Targets

Horizon allows you to scan for and monitor your attack surface with just a few simple configurations.

Everything on Horizon starts by configuring a Target. Target tells the system that it's a primary identifier from which you'd like to begin mapping your attack surface. It's most often something like your business's or your subsidiaries' root domain.

Configure Targets

Horizon allows you to scan for and monitor your attack surface with just a few simple configurations.

Everything on Horizon starts by configuring a Target. Your target can be one of the following-

  1. IP address

  2. Domain

  3. Name

  4. Email

  5. BIN

  6. Keyword

  7. Query

Target tells the system that it's a primary asset from which you would like to begin mapping your attack surface. It's most often something like your business's or your subsidiaries' root domain.

How to configure a Target

To start with Horizon, you need to add at least one Target using the Target Overview Page.

  1. You'd find the Target Overview page right under the Home section. Home > Targets

  2. Click the "Add New Target" button to open the Add Target Modal.

  3. Select the Target Type from the Dropbox and click the "Add Target" button

  4. Enter the domain name, IP Address, Name, Email, BIN, Keyword or Query you want to scan. Add a short description to help your teammates later. And click "Continue."

  5. Target Verification: Once you add a target, it must be verified before you can actually run an "Application Scan" on it. However, you can "Skip Verification" if you only want to run a "Surface Scan." This must be configured on the "Scan Profile Overview" page later. If you wish to verify it, please follow the instructions to Verify the Target.

Note - In case your target is an email or a subdomain and is associated with a root domain that has already been verified, it will be verified automatically and no additional verification is needed for it. For example, if you have already verified the domain ‘’, and you create as a target, your target will be automatically verified. Verifying a root domain will automatically verify any existing targets associated with it as well.

Horizon's augmented intelligence maps all the various assets scanned and shows a criticality score for any vulnerability found in the assets.

Next Steps

Navigating the Targets page

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