User Management

Learn how to manage users and permissions across Horizon

After clicking on the Settings icon, you can choose from the four available options. You go to the User Management page by clicking Settings>Users.

List of Users

Under the list of Users, you can see the following information-

  1. Name- This column displays the name and email address of the user.

  2. Role- The role of a user decides the level of permissions they have in the workspace.

  3. Status- The status of a user can be Active, Invited or Blocked.

  4. Date of Creation-

  5. Actions- Here you can see the actions that are available to you depending on your role.

Note - In case you are a Super Admin or an Admin, you will see two options under Actions that allow you to block or edit the user details for others in the workspace. You can also block users by checking the checkbox next to their username and clicking Block users under the Actions dropbox on the top right.


You can search for specific users in the workspace. Click search and enter the user to search for any particular user.



In case you have multiple users, you can filter them to get status-specific results using this feature.

Click Status and select any one of the options you wish to filter.

Based on their status, you can filter users as-

  • Active- Refers to the active users in the workspace.

  • Invited- Refers to the users that are invited to the workspace but have not accepted the invitation yet.

  • Blocked- Refers to the users that have been blocked from the workspace.


You can also filter users based on their roles. Click Role and select any one of the options you wish to filter.

Based on their role, you can filter users as-

  • Super Admin- This role grants all permissions to the user.

  • Admin- This role grants the user all the permissions over other Editors and Viewers but disallows any user management privileges over other admins or Super Admins in the workspace.

  • Editor- This role grants all platform permissions except access to settings and user management.

  • Viewer- This role only grants the user permission to view data and download reports without allowing any user management privileges.

Invite Users

As a Super Admin/Admin, you can add new users to the workspace. Click Invite User and add the details of the user you wish to invite. After selecting a role for the user, click Send Invite to send an email invitation. Once the invitee accepts the invitation, he will get added to your workspace successfully.

Note - The Send Invite button will not be active unless you fill in all the fields.

Next Steps

  1. Jira Integrations

  2. Notifications

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