Asset Details

Learn what information you can find under Asset Details page

After successfully running a scan, Horizon allows you to access details of all the assets identified on the Assets Overview page. Click on any asset under the Identifier column to get started.

To get more information about navigating the Assets overview page refer to (link)

There are three types of assets discovered during the surface scan-

  1. IP addresses

  2. Domains

  3. Certificates

How to Access Asset Details

Once you click on an Asset, you can access its

  1. Basic information

  2. Nodes

  3. ASN

  4. Geolocation

  5. Ports

  6. Technologies and

  7. Vulnerabilities

Note - The tabs on the assets details page change with respect to the type of asset selected.

Click on one of the assets to get started.

The assets details page shows the following common tabs for all the assets-

Basic information

Here, Horizon shows basic information about the Asset such as

  1. First discovered - entails when this particular asset was discovered

  2. Last seen- describes when this asset was last accessed

  3. Type - Certificate/Sub-Domain/IP address

  4. Depth in the network- how far the asset is located within a network infrastructure, starting from the perimeter to the internal core


Displays information about the parents of this asset and furthermore tells which nodes this asset points to.

Horizon shows assets specific information for-

1. IP Address

These tabs are only visible if the asset selected is an IP address-


ASN or Autonomous System Number is a unique identifier used in computer networks to identify the routing domain of a network.

This tab displays information about the ASN-

  1. Number

  2. Name

  3. Type

  4. Domain

  5. Route

Geolocation information

This tab helps identify the geographical area where an asset is located.

It provides information like-

  1. Country

  2. Region

  3. City

  4. Postal code

  5. Time Zone

  6. Location coordinates


It provides information related to ports such as-

  1. State

  2. Port number

  3. Service name

  4. Protocol

2. Domain And Subdomain

These tabs are only visible if the asset selected is a Domain/Subdomain -

DNS Entries

This tab gives out information about-

  1. Record type - A/CNAME/MX/NS/SRV/SOA etc.

  2. Name

  3. Value


This reports important information about-

  1. Technology name

  2. Category

  3. Confidence


It allows the user to search for vulnerabilities that this asset might face.

It also the user to know about -

  1. Severity- sort the vulnerabilities by their level of severity.

  2. Instances

3. Certificate

Certificate Information

Provides Information regarding-

  1. Validity

  2. Expiration date

  3. Issuing party and

  4. Issued to

After you have all the information about the selected asset, you can export this report as a PDF using the Actions Dropbox on the top right corner of the screen.

You can also add personal notes to these assets using the Notes feature below the Actions Dropbox.

Activity Log

Horizon helps you keep track of user activity in the activity log. Scroll below the List of Targets to find the activity section. Select Choose Activity Date Range for a custom date range.

Next Steps

Issues Overview

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